Under 18s

At Navitas English, we have special structures in place to protect the welfare of students who are under 18 years old. These are in addition to our commitment to caring for every Navitas English student with our range of advice and counselling services, pastoral care and academic resources.

Our best practice methods ensure accommodation and welfare is appropriate for minors, in line with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) standards and requirements for students under 18.

Under 18 student support

Navitas English provides special welfare arrangements for its under 18 students, including guardianship, appropriate accommodation options and by providing orientation and contact information to ensure our younger students experience the very best of care whilst studying with us.

Find out more about our policies:

Student visa holders

If you or your child are under 18 and hold a student visa, you have four accommodation and welfare options:

  • You can live with your parent/s or legal custodian.
  • You can live with a relative, if approved by the DHA.
  • You can live in accommodation organised by Navitas English.
  • You can live with a homestay family nominated by your parent/s (additional fees apply for this option).

All student visa holders who are under 18 must have appropriate accommodation and carer support either with relatives or organised by Navitas English.

Tourist visa holders

If you or your child are under 18 and hold a tourist visa, you have four accommodation and welfare options:

  • You can live with your parent/s or legal custodian.
  • You can live with a relative.
  • You can live with a family friend.
  • You can live in accommodation organised by Navitas English.


If your accommodation and welfare is organised by Navitas English you will have a carer who will support you during your stay in Australia.

Your carer has specific responsibilities. They will:

  • visit you in the first week of the your arrival in Australia
  • contact you and the your homestay family by telephone every week, and meet face-to-face with you every two weeks
  • make sure you are familiar with the local transport system
  • help you settle into life in Australia by helping with day-to-day matters such as opening a bank account and settling into school
  • complete monthly student contact reports and send them to Navitas English
  • make after-hours and weekend contact with you and your homestay family
  • support you after-hours if you need an emergency telephone contact
  • provide guidance and help you access professional counselling if you need it
  • help you to find medical care if you need it and make sure you get proper medical certification if you are absent from class
  • contact your parents and Navitas English if you have an accident or a medical emergency, or if they are worried about your welfare
  • contact Navitas English to request a leave of absence for family visits
  • keep in contact with your school about your academic progress and general welfare
  • immediately tell your parents and Navitas English if they have any concerns about your health, accommodation, academic progress or general welfare.

Welfare and counselling

At Navitas English we take the welfare of our students under 18 very seriously. We will stay in regular contact with you for the duration of your course. You can access counselling from our staff for issues about your accommodation, academic progress or wellbeing.

Please let us know if you have any problems or concerns at any point, and we can help.