Navitas English is committed to providing a supportive leaning environment which is:
for our students, visitors and staff.
Students are expected to behave appropriately at all times. There are certain things which are never acceptable at Navitas English:
IT systems, services and equipment must not be used for the following:
Students studying online must do the following:
The regular attendance and lateness policy applies to online learning. If students do not participate, they will be marked absent. Navitas English’s policy on Cooperation (page 1) applies to students studying online. If students are experiencing internet connection issues, please contact the teacher or the Centre Manager and Director of Studies. For Academic English assessments, your teacher will provide the rules. If you are suspected of cheating, you will be counselled and may be penalised. Please ask before the assessment if you are not sure about the rules
Students who do not follow the code will be asked to meet with the Centre Manager and Director of Studies or Student Services Manager to discuss whether Navitas English is the right place for you to be. Any behaviour described in the Code of Conduct may cause your course to be suspended or terminated, and/or you being asked to leave. If this happens, tuition and other fees may not be refunded, and certificates may not be issued. You may not be able to study with Navitas in the future. Criminal behaviour may be referred to the police
Both students and staff can report a code of conduct breach by asking to see the Centre Manager and Director of Studies or the Student Services Manager. They will listen to you and take action if necessary and can also treat your report as confidential
This Code of Conduct is part of the Navitas English Conditions of Enrolment.
If you would like to talk about the Navitas English Code of Conduct, please see your Centre Manager and Director of Studies